And how, if you want to reverse your symptoms, you’ll need to directly address your resolving the estrogen reduction happening in your brain.
But first, in order to truly understand why estrogen draining from your brain has such an impact on you. You need to know exactly how estrogen triggers your menopause symptoms. You see, a lot of people define estrogen as just the “female sex hormone”.
But it’s a hormone that’s present in both women and men. In women, it regulates the menstrual cycle and it’s critical for reproduction. That’s why women who go through menopause can’t have children anymore.
It’s also why a lot of women who go through menopause…Experience aches and pains in their joints so severe that it can make even the simplest act…Like lifting yourself from th…Feel impossible!

And how, if you want to reverse your symptoms, you’ll need to directly address your resolving the estrogen reduction happening in your brain.
But first, in order to truly understand why estrogen draining from your brain has such an impact on you. You need to know exactly how estrogen triggers your menopause symptoms. You see, a lot of people define estrogen as just the “female sex hormone”.
But it’s a hormone that’s present in both women and men. In women, it regulates the menstrual cycle and it’s critical for reproduction. That’s why women who go through menopause can’t have children anymore.
It’s also why a lot of women who go through menopause…Experience aches and pains in their joints so severe that it can make even the simplest act…Like lifting yourself from the couch…Feel impossible!
That’s because estrogen is critical for maintaining bone density. In a nutshell…Estrogen is your body’s master conductor, Orchestrating the production of other hormones, growth factors, and metabolic factors.